Huwebes, Hunyo 16, 2011

Junior life so far

The week started with my full ecstasy..of course for the first day of classes.I was able to come back to the school that I entered a year ago.
Being the human that I am(last time I checked),it's inevitable to judge others..There's this sense of prejudice wherein you even say it sometimes.But for me..I end up saying stuff that can hurt others...that's probably another
problem with me isn't it?But one thing good about that is I admit that I am kind of a  "discriminating-much" person.
As expected..the friends that I left last year are still there..They're the usual humorous people I knew them to be.

Classes were okay (so far),I absolutely love our English teacher--> Ms.Sham ...she elaborates things quite nicely..she wears glasses,short-haired,and skinny.Other subjects that I like are Social Studies,Filipino class(mostly the noli me tangere parts since rizal is amazingly awesome),oh yeah..and dismissal(is that a subject?)

Today is Thursday...and younger sis Sophia and I walked through the rainy afternoon. It's nice to have some
rainy weather once in a while..since it's usually hot here.

I don't know if anybody is even reading this crap that I type..I actually have a diary..but I feel like I need to write a blog too.You're reading this right? Someday I shall make a blog that has sense..for now I shall type the happenings of my teen life :D ..

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